Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Hype vs Reality - Expectation Management

In my last post I wrote about how my experience Earthrise and it not meeting my expectation. I think one of the main reasons for my increased expectation was reading about what the game offered. It seems that when I am on the look out for a new game, when it comes to MMO's, what I am after seems so tantalising. I have been looking for a good sandbox game for a while now, after having tried most of the major ones on the market today.

 Reading about a free world that I can join others in and mould to my play style seemed amazing! Building and creating within a sci-fi (or fantasy) world is definitely my cup of tea! So on the day, Earthrise appeared on my doorstep and I install it with great anticipation for all the fun I was going to have. I find my heart slowly dropping as I realise that what I thought I was buying... well it just wasn't going to happen.

 Now I have seen others write like this and get slated for not playing all the way to the top level, I just think that's non-sense. If I am playing a game and derive no fun from the act, then surely there is something wrong. Perseverance is not a word I like use in relation to my play time. I am hopeful that Earthrise will be a more polished experience in its days to come and if you are looking for a Sandbox MMO do give it a look.

My STO scar...

 Oddly enough a title that is being super hyped is Bioware's - The Old Republic which is still being polished (I hope) has had very little of my attention. I think that perhaps my experience of Star wars Galaxies and Star Trek Online (STO) has made me wary of highly sought after IP being turned into a game. To be honest, I was so disappointed with STO and how it missed completely what Star Trek was all about I think I have stopped hoping for good games from the Star Trek universe. I mean some of the star trek films have been train wrecks, but then that's another rant for another day.

If disappointment is that way, which way do I go?

 So how do I get by? Not get excited? Ignore that glimmer of hope on the horizon and approach everything in a cold, hard way? To be honest I enjoy far more from a game when I am unsure or don't think its going to be amazing. Trying to strike a balance between hype and the past experiences I have had is looking pretty difficult right now.

 Even as we speak I have my second shot at the Rift beta lined up for tonight and wonder, will I find this great? My last little excursion into Rift left me uninspired, so we see if with lower expectations I can find something fun?

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